Collabwork pricing

Flexible pricing plans for your hiring needs

Choose from a range of pricing options tailored to your company's size and hiring requirements. Our plans are scalable and cost-effective, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.


One-Off Job Postings ($750)
Perfect for a single, high-priority job opening.
Targeted Reach: View the community an applicant is from and their relevant skills and interests to find the perfect fit.
Effortless Sourcing: Our AI-driven model automatically shares your job across 70+ targeted online communities, including those with a diversity or affinity focus.
Expert Curation: Let our platform reach qualified candidates automatically, saving you valuable time and resources.
Data-Driven Insights: Track your hiring progress and effectiveness with access to analytics and reporting.
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Pay-Per-Click Marketing
(Custom Pricing)
Ideal for high-volume or division-wide hiring or seamless integration with your existing workflow.
Cost-Effective Sourcing: Only pay per click generated by our outreach efforts, driving qualified traffic to your career page or job listing.
Streamlined Workflow: Integrate CollabWORK with your existing Applicant Tracking System (ATS) for a smooth hiring experience.
Diverse Talent Pool: Reach a wider network of qualified candidates, including those from communities with a focus on diversity and inclusion.
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Enterprise Plans (Custom Pricing)
Designed for organizations with complex and diverse hiring needs and a focus on efficiency.
Everything in One-Off & PPC/ATS +:
Priority customer support for a dedicated point of contact.
Advanced applicant filtering for a more refined candidate pool.
In-depth analytics and reporting to make data-driven hiring decisions.
Tailored Solutions: Work with our team to create a customized plan that meets your specific requirements.
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